facWEEKLY February 14

We hope you've had a good week, FAC Family! Here are just some of the great things happening in the coming weeks.

Worship This Sunday

Prayer: Reclaiming our primary work | Ephesians 3:14–19

“Prayer is the primary work of God’s people,” yet we often treat it like an inconvenience. Maybe that’s because we struggle to believe we can truly make prayer the heartbeat of our lives—or we simply haven’t made it our first love. The Apostle Paul recognized this challenge, so in Ephesians 3:14–19, he prays for God to reveal Himself, strengthen us, ignite our passion, and fill us with true joy.

Join us this Sunday as we explore Paul’s prayer for Ephesus—and discover how it speaks to us today.

Intro to FAC and Membership Classes

Date: Sundays, February 16–March 16
Time: 11am
Place: in room B106

Are you new or newer to First Alliance Church and want to learn more about us? Or maybe you've been attending for months or even years and have decided you'd like to become a member? Perhaps you're somewhere in between? It doesn't matter which category you fall under, this class is for you!

Intro to FAC is a five-week course on all things FAC. Learn about who we are, what we believe, how to get involved, and the importance of becoming a member of the local church. This is also a great opportunity to meet others and build relationships! (Completing the Intro to FAC course is a prerequisite to membership, but pursuing membership upon completion of the course is not mandatory.) There is no cost to attend.

It's not too late to register! Contact Kim Palmer in the church office at kpalmer@facerie.org or 814-833-9862.

Conquer Series

Date: Thursdays, starting February 20
Time: 7–8:30pm
Place: in room F203
Cost: registration is free but $30 for workbook

Chains are being broken and marriages are being restored. The Conquer Series is returning to FAC. Join us Thursdays in F203 starting February 20 through April 30 at 7–8:30pm as we work through the Conquer Series. This is a cinematic teaching series for men who want to find freedom from the effects of unwanted sexual behavior, understand the effects of betrayal, or just want to better understand the struggles that others may be going through. This course will show how shame and grace affect the healing process, give understanding about addiction and betrayal trauma, and get you started on the path to sexual healing.

Registration is free, but the companion workbooks are $30. If you have any questions, or want to learn more, reach out to Chenny Langness at cnlangness@gmail.com

Seniors’ Movie & Pizza Night

Date: Friday, February 21
Time: 6–9pm
Place: in the Youth Center
Cost: $5 per person

Come for a fun evening of food, fellowship, and entertainment. Pizza and beverages will be served for dinner followed by a movie. And of course, there will be popcorn!

We will be watching “Unsung Hero”, the story about a mother’s faith that stands against all odds and inspires her husband and children to hold onto theirs. Based on a remarkable true story of the Smallbone family.

Sign up at the table in the lobby or by clicking the button below to register. Deadline to sign up is Tuesday, February 18. 

Missions Dinner

Date: Saturday, March 1
Time: 6–8:30pm
Place: in the Youth Center
Cost: $5 per person

FAC is going to be focusing on and celebrating God's work throughout the world through missions, Saturday, March 1st through Wednesday, March 5th. *And on Saturday, March 1st at 6pm, we will have a special taco bar dinner with FAC missionaries Steve & Christy Volstad and Holly Woodworth. You need to sign up in advance so we can plan accordingly. Sign ups will be online and in the church lobby. The cost is $5 per person.

Erie Otters Family Night

Date: Sunday, March 2
Time: 4pm
Place: Erie Insurance Arena
Cost: $14 per person

facMEN is sponsoring a family night at an Otters hockey game on March 2! Invite the whole family for an action-packed time.

Tickets cost $14 each and must be paid in advance at the table in the church lobby (cash or checks made payable to Craig Post). Purchased tickets will be available on March 2 at the Erie Insurance Arena "will call" window. Deadline to purchase tickets is February 23.

facYOUTH - LOCK-IN 2025

Date: March 7–8
Time: 8pm–7am
Place: in Youth Center
Cost: $25

Hey Parents and Students! It’s that time again—facYOUTH’s Annual LOCK-IN is right around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome you! If you’re in grades 6–12, join us for a night packed with fun activities, meaningful connections, and plenty of laughter alongside your friends.

To register click the button below.

facWOMEN’S Bible Study

Date: Mondays, beginning March 10–April 28
Time: 6:30–8:30pm
Place: in room E215
Cost: $10 for study guide

Join us for "Practicing the Way" by John Mark Comer, where we will explore how to deepen our spiritual lives as followers of Jesus. This study is for both newcomers looking to build a relationship with Him and long-time followers seeking growth beyond routine. In this 8-week study, we will explore spiritual formation, following Jesus, finding God in pain and suffering, healing from sin, and creating a daily rhythm to grow closer to Jesus.

Sign up at the table in the lobby or click on the button below to register.

VA Medical Foster Home Program (MFH)

VA Medical Centers across the country are partnering with faith-based and community organizations to spread the news of the availability of the MFH program in their areas. They are seeking experienced and reliable community caregivers for whom the VA will recognize and approve their personal home for the placement of Veterans for their long-term care needs. If you or someone you know is an experienced caregiver and are interested in learning more about becoming a VA Medical Foster Home caregiver, click the button below or contact Kamie Mazza at 814-780-2347 or kamie.mazza@va.gov.

Prayer for International Workers

Steve and Christy Volstad are international workers supported by Inca Link, based in the US, but serving missionaries in South America. As you would go to your local church pastor with questions, problems, conflicts, etc., Inca Link missionaries and staff can come to Steve for these same reasons; pray for wisdom for Steve.

You can learn more about them by picking up a copy of our “Prayer Guide for World Missions” near The Hub and you can partner with Steve and Christy in ministry by giving to the FAC Missions.

Do You Have a Prayer Request or Praise?

"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere" (Ephesians 6:18, NLT).
The staff and elders at FAC would love to pray for you. Send your request or praise to Pastor Scott through the form below.

Finance Information

Father, as we lay before you our financial offering, we give you all that we are and everything that you have entrusted to us. Bless these gifts for the sake of your kingdom and glory.

General Fund


Last Week

Actual: $18,849

Budgeted: $23,477

Prior Year Comparison: $19,111

Year To Date

Actual: $549,075

Budgeted: $528,448

Prior Year Comparison: $502,866


For more information on all facEVENTS, take a look at our full calendar!